Pudong, Shanghai. |
January 23, I took a ferry to back to my country. The ferry is named “Shin-Ganjin”. Ganjin is a name of Chinese monk who went to Japan to teach Buddhism about 1000 years ago. Shin has a meaning of “New” in Japanese.
Shin-Ganjin ties between Shanghai and Osaka with about 50 hours. Root to Osaka goes in The Seto Inland Sea, but it to Shanghai goes southern Kyushu Island.
Shin-ganjin |
As far as I saw, most of grouped passengers to Osaka were chinese trainees who train about agriculuture et cetra in Japan. They were playing cards, sing in Karaoke and so on. Anyway they were so bustling, so I regretted that I didn’t have earplugs.
The reason why I take this ferry is that the fare is cheaper than that of airline. We can buy a round trip ticket with a half cost of airplane. In addition, the ticket I bought is discounted 10% because I am a student. However Nagasaki, my hometown, is far from Osaka, so I have to pay fare to move between Osaka and Nagasaki.